Don’t Make These Mistakes When Selling Your Home

If you are thinking about listing your home for sale, you should be careful not to make the same mistakes that other sellers have. Once you have decided that you are ready to move, you should be fully committed to making it a successful experience. Well prepared home sellers, sell their homes faster.

Review these mistakes that are commonly made by homeowners whose homes have been sitting on the market for months. If you want to list, and sell your home in a reasonable amount of time, then by all means avoid making bad choices in the process.

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Tips For A Successful Open House

You are about to list your home and you have been debating whether an Open House is something you should do. Every in-law and friend has an opinion. Some will tell you it’s the only way to sell, while others may try to convince you of the the labour and time involved to prepare. If you have conflicting feelings, then it is a discussion you should have with your real estate agent. An experienced listing agent will be able to answer your questions. So have them ready. Once you have the answers, you can balance the pros and cons for yourself, and then determine if an Open House meets your needs as a home seller. This decision is one that only you, and your agent can make.  

I have prepared some of the steps and tasks required for a successful Open House. Reviewing these may help you understand better what’s involved. These tips may also bring to mind some of the questions you have for your agent.

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Sell Your Home Faster In The Fall

Sell Your Home Faster this Fall with Great Curb Appeal!
Clean It Up, Fix It Up, Dress It Up
If you are listing your home this autumn remember to clean up, fix up and dress up your outdoor space. First impressions are important. Ensuring your home has great curb appeal this autumn, can have perspective buyers fall in love with your property before they even go inside.

The appearance of the outside of your home can be key to get those home buyers in the door. An attractive exterior, that is well maintained, will help your home stand above the competition.
Here are some key things to consider when you are preparing your home for a fall sale. First, you must clean it up. Then it’s important to fix it up. Lastly, remember to dress it up! These aren’t costly suggestions. In fact, most of them rely more on elbow grease than cash.
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How To Decide When To Sell The Family Home

The kids are grown and have children of their own. You and your partner have both recently retired and after many years of hard work you are ready to enjoy some of that bucket list you have created over the years. You both agree, intellectually, that your current four bedroom, three bath house is much larger than you need. You no longer want to spend your weekends pruning shrubs, mowing the lawn or washing all of the floors. In fact, you would much rather be enjoying wine tours, travel, community events and day trips BUT what about when the children and grandkids visit? What about all of the memories? Where will the family gather for holiday dinners and events?

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Children’s Books About Moving

Moving is a stressful time for everyone in the family. If you have found a larger family home, or have to relocate because of a recent job offer, getting ready for the move can be overwhelming. So before you make all the arrangements and get all the boxes packed take the time to prepare your children for what’s ahead. Books are a great way to get the conversation started!

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