Garage Sale Tips And Tricks

If you are thinking of listing your home in the next year, you may want to take advantage of the spring and summer months to declutter, donate, ditch or sell. We all collect items that we don’t use, wear or even like. If you would like to make a little extra cash before you list your home, then it’s time to start preparing and organizing a garage/yard sale.

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Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is in the air and it’s time for the traditional “Spring Cleaning” activities to begin. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to open the windows and let some fresh air in. Typically, I spend the winter months organizing, straightening and surface cleaning. To be honest, I prefer to spend those cold days cuddled up with a great book or cooking up some new crock pot recipes. However, at the first sign of spring I actually get excited about giving every inch of my home a shine.

I have found in the past that the best way to get the job done in a time efficient manner is with a “To-Do” list or checklist. I have included a downloadable Spring Cleaning Checklist here. I thought I would share my list to help you get started. It may seem a little long but many of the tasks aren’t that time consuming. If you start your cleaning with a sunny attitude you may also find the jobs get done faster. Turn on some music and dance your way through the rooms with sponges and rags in hand. Most importantly plan a special reward for yourself when the list is complete. Good Luck! Get Cleaning!

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Six Tips To Sell Your Home Quicker

6 Tips for Selling your home quicker

If you have been thinking about listing your home for sale, there are several things you should consider before putting it on the market. Following these suggestions will help you stay focused throughout the process. Being well prepared will help to reduce the stress that can be associated with the sale, and help to sell your home quicker!

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How To Stay Sane When Listing A Home With Kids

Putting your house up for sale can be a busy and stressful time, but even more so if you have little ones. How will you keep the chaos at a minimum and have that spotless home that buyers love to see? How will you jet off to your day job, get the lunches made, keep up with the laundry AND show a put-together home?

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Don’t Make These Mistakes When Selling Your Home

If you are thinking about listing your home for sale, you should be careful not to make the same mistakes that other sellers have. Once you have decided that you are ready to move, you should be fully committed to making it a successful experience. Well prepared home sellers, sell their homes faster.

Review these mistakes that are commonly made by homeowners whose homes have been sitting on the market for months. If you want to list, and sell your home in a reasonable amount of time, then by all means avoid making bad choices in the process.

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Home Hunting Tips For Older Buyers

As home buyers age, so do their requirements in a home. They are typically not looking for all the bells and whistles that younger buyers seem to have on their “must have” lists. Rather, middle age and older buyers are looking at how suitable the home will be so that they can remain in it for the rest of their days.

“Aging in place” has not just become a common phrase, but the goal of many adults today. If you are searching for that lifetime home there are several factors you should consider when viewing property.

I have put together some recommendations that you may want to consider before the house hunt. When calculating your price range for the new home also put some thought into the costs of renovations required down the road. While every obstacle in the home can have a solution the costs to make adaptations can take time and money.

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My Hometown


Welcome to my Chatham-Kent Blog! As a lifelong resident of this area I thought it would be a wonderful idea to begin a blog about this great community and all it has to offer.

I have been selling real estate full time in the area since 1989. During that time I have grown to know almost all of the 2,458 square kilometres that make up Chatham-Kent. I hope to share with you information about the towns, villages, waterways, recreation, arts and more. I hope in doing so that you will begin to understand the history, geography and culture of my home town.

If you have any questions about along the way just give me a call!

Thanks,                                                                                                                                 Deb 

Tips For A Successful Open House

You are about to list your home and you have been debating whether an Open House is something you should do. Every in-law and friend has an opinion. Some will tell you it’s the only way to sell, while others may try to convince you of the the labour and time involved to prepare. If you have conflicting feelings, then it is a discussion you should have with your real estate agent. An experienced listing agent will be able to answer your questions. So have them ready. Once you have the answers, you can balance the pros and cons for yourself, and then determine if an Open House meets your needs as a home seller. This decision is one that only you, and your agent can make.  

I have prepared some of the steps and tasks required for a successful Open House. Reviewing these may help you understand better what’s involved. These tips may also bring to mind some of the questions you have for your agent.

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Sell Your Home Faster In The Fall

Sell Your Home Faster this Fall with Great Curb Appeal!
Clean It Up, Fix It Up, Dress It Up
If you are listing your home this autumn remember to clean up, fix up and dress up your outdoor space. First impressions are important. Ensuring your home has great curb appeal this autumn, can have perspective buyers fall in love with your property before they even go inside.

The appearance of the outside of your home can be key to get those home buyers in the door. An attractive exterior, that is well maintained, will help your home stand above the competition.
Here are some key things to consider when you are preparing your home for a fall sale. First, you must clean it up. Then it’s important to fix it up. Lastly, remember to dress it up! These aren’t costly suggestions. In fact, most of them rely more on elbow grease than cash.
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How To Decide When To Sell The Family Home

The kids are grown and have children of their own. You and your partner have both recently retired and after many years of hard work you are ready to enjoy some of that bucket list you have created over the years. You both agree, intellectually, that your current four bedroom, three bath house is much larger than you need. You no longer want to spend your weekends pruning shrubs, mowing the lawn or washing all of the floors. In fact, you would much rather be enjoying wine tours, travel, community events and day trips BUT what about when the children and grandkids visit? What about all of the memories? Where will the family gather for holiday dinners and events?

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