7 DIY Moving Tips to Make Your Life Easier

About 13% of the country move every year. 

Though many of us move on an annual basis, the process never seems to get any easier. Establishing a plan can help you remain efficient and organized. Otherwise, you might not realize what you forgot until it’s too late.

Here are seven DIU moving tips that can help. With these tips, you can get organized before the big move. Then, you can make a plan to simplify every step of the moving process.

You won’t have to worry about stress and chaos slowing you down. Instead, discover how to plan a stress-free move with these tips today. 

1. Create a To-Do List

Before you start using these DIY moving tips, consider making a checklist for yourself. You can get organized long before moving day. You can even set deadlines for each item on your checklist.

Instead of trying to do everything at once, you can plan different tasks to complete each week. You can better utilize your time as a result.

Otherwise, you might scramble to complete a dozen different takes the week you move.

You don’t have to put that stress on your shoulders! Instead, here are a few DIY moving tasks to complete ahead of time:

  • File a change of address with the post office
  • Change your address for online orders/accounts
  • Hire a moving company
  • Reserve a storage container
  • Rent a moving truck
  • Transfer memberships
  • Request time off work
  • Schedule a cleaning service
  • Update your insurance information
  • Get your car tuned up
  • Gather moving documents
  • Disconnect utilities
  • Cancel repeat deliveries/orders
  • Obtain medical records (if moving to a new state)
  • Declutter and donate
  • Gather boxes and pack
  • Clean before leaving

Try to get started with these DIY moving tasks as soon as possible.

It’s normal for surprises to pop up along the way. You might have to deal with an emergency the day of the move. Getting as much done as possible before moving day can free up your time.

2. Declutter and Donate

In the weeks before moving day, try to declutter as much as possible. Organize your items into three stacks:

  • Donate
  • Discard
  • Pack

Discarding and decluttering will minimize how much you actually need to pack. You’ll have fewer boxes to worry about. If you’re researching DIY moving companies, you might not have to pay as much.

Some companies charge based on how many boxes you have.

Instead, try to get rid of anything you don’t want to take with you. Donate as much as you can, too.

Then, schedule a day for a charity organization to arrive at your home. Many organizations like Goodwill or the Salvation Army will pick up donation items. 

Don’t wait until the last minute to call. Chances are, they have a number of donation pickups planned. Calling ahead of time will ensure they can arrive before the day of your move. 

3. Rent Storage

You might want to consider moving some of your items into storage. Consider purchasing a storage container or moving pod. 

Using a storage container is a great alternative to hiring a moving company. You can minimize costs and focus on moving alone. If you’re focused on the DIY approach, look for DIY moving companies in your area.

Make sure to call for a storage container long before your moving day. Remember, you don’t want to scramble through your to-do list at the last minute.

Renting storage will allow you to move boxes out of the way as soon as possible.

4. Get Help

You don’t have to work through these DIY moving hacks alone. Instead, consider requesting help.

Assign different tasks on your moving to-do list based on everyone’s strengths.

For example, you might ask your mom to help you clean on the day of your move. Ask your stronger friends to help you carry boxes.

Requesting help will take some of the stress off your shoulders. 

Make sure to ask for help far in advance. You don’t want to find out your friends are busy when you need them most.

Have a plan to thank them for their help, too. For example, you can treat everyone to pizza. Have water bottles ready for everyone, too. 

5. Meet Expectations

About 42% of people move for housing reasons, such as moving into a better apartment. If you’re leaving an apartment, make sure you meet the landlord’s expectations.

Some landlords add a moving day to-do list to your lease. Make sure you complete every item on their list. Otherwise, you might not get your deposit back.

For example, you might need to remove nails from the walls or thoroughly clean the apartment. 

Add these tasks to your DIY moving to-do list. Try to get as much on the list done as possible before moving day. 

6. Start Packing

As you work through these DIY moving tips, make sure you have a plan for packing, too.

First, make sure to gather packing materials in advance. Start packing items you’re not using months before moving day. As you pack each box, take photos of what’s inside.

Have an itemized list of what’s in each box, too. Then, number your boxes.

If you lose a box during the moving process, you’ll know exactly what’s inside. You can file an insurance claim or replace lost items.

7. Take a Breath

As you work through your DIY moving checklist, remind yourself to breathe. Have realistic expectations throughout the process, too.

Moving usually takes longer than you might expect. Try to anticipate changes and delays. 

For example, you might run out of boxes at the last minute. Maybe you forgot to turn the utilities on in your new home. 

Planning ahead of time can help you avoid most of these stressors. A few minor delays might still pop up, though. 


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Thanks, Deb Rhodes
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