Five Negotiating Tactics That Can Kill A Home Sale

Negotiation is a subtle art in real estate, but skilled negotiators can usually find some common ground that satisfies all parties. On the other hand, using the wrong negotiation tactics can sink a deal pretty quickly. Here are some negotiation tactics buyers (and real estate professionals) should avoid.

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 New Home? Here’s How To Save

Here are a few things new homeowners can do to save on energy and maintenance.

When you’ve just purchased a new home, there’s a ton on your mind. There’s moving, decorating, getting to know your new neighborhood, and more. Here are a few things that should be at the top of your to-do list, because they’ll save you a lot of money.

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How To Estimate Your Moving Costs

Are you the kind of person who likes to do things on your own? Do you think that things get done best if you do it yourself? 

Well, if you are thinking about moving homes soon, you might be wondering about moving costs when you do it yourself versus getting a moving service to do it for you. This guide should help you out.

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