Winter Weekend Projects For Homeowners

The winter is the perfect time to clean, organize and decorate your home. Often people associate spring with cleaning, but why not get a head start during the often drab and dreary winter days. This way when spring appears you can spend time outside perking up your yard, garden or window boxes.

The winter is the perfect time to clean, organize and decorate your home. Often people associate spring with cleaning, but why not get a head start during the often drab and dreary winter days. This way when spring appears you can spend time outside perking up your yard, garden or window boxes.

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Simple Tips To Secure Your Home

Making your house secure and keeping your family safe may be easier then you think. Start securing your home by answering this question:

“How would I break into my home if I lost or forgot my keys and had no way to contact anyone?”

Did something come to mind? Well, that is your starting place. If you thought of one or more ways, so can a burglar. So address that issue first and foremost. Then review the tips below to add further protection for your home, property and family.

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